
Thursday, May 17, 2012

In another translation I'm comparing verse 25 states "She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future."
Many of us are afraid of the future...the economy isn't very stable, jobs are at a premium for those who are looking, (which include many people I know) and the leadership, as usual, is contradicting itself and posturing all over the place, but it's hard to see just what is REALLY happening and what we can be sure about in order to move forward.
...she is not afraid of the future..."!!!  God has us covered!!  We areCAPABLE AND STRONG WOMEN of God and He considers us PRICELESS!!  He will always protect us and we will always serve our Lord and Savior!  In the end, isn't that what is most important?!!  I've been living a rather uncertain financial life for many years as my husband's income has greatly fluctuated with the economy.  He is employed, by himself, but his services are something that are reconsidered when the economy isn't strong.  We lived on food stamps, our children have been covered by Medicaid insurance, and we've had medical emergencies that have put both of us into Medicaid coverage too.  Other financial crunches have been part of our everyday life and we've gotten through them because God has looked over us from the beginning!!  I know that I'm looked at with respect from others because of our diligence in following God's leading in all of it! We've been blessed by our church family in many ways and I am always looking for fun little ways to help return the favor when I can.  Even the smallest of help is Greatly appreciated and remembered and respected.   Today...BE STRONG!  BE NOT AFRAID, for GOD is WITH YOU!!

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