Is your heart safe with your husband? Is your husbands heart safe with you?
"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil"
He completely trusts her to do all the right things! No suspicion of selfish acts that would not include his heart in the consideration. He could bring co-workers home for dinner unannounced and never worry about the dinner not being enough, that the house wouldn't be cleaned up and tidy, that the kids would not be well behaved! AMAZING TRUST!!! I know that if I sprung such a surprise on my husband, who by the way HATES change, I would be shot full of those evil eye looks that we give them! I'd have so many holes through me I would look like Swiss Cheese!
Recently a friend confided to me about the flirtations of another man toward her. She did not return these affections and told her husband that this man continued to make each encounter with him very akward. She really could not avoid some of these encounters as they were part of an ongoing activity she attended with her daughter. Both my friend and her husband are deeply in love with each other and neither is concerned that she would stray from her akward as this situation is, the husband doesn't feel the need to confront the flirt, only trusts that his wife is sure in her love and trusts that she wouldn't betray his heart! WOW...I'm overwhelmingly impressed with his trust. So many others would eventually begun to flirt in return and then start that horrid downward trend into infidelity! It is just this kind of diversion that takes our eyes from Christ that He is describing in Proverbs. He has trust that once we are in a solid relationship with Him, we will not look elsewhere for our hearts will ALWAYS be with Him!!
I know that God trusts me as I Him.....I diligently am working toward His vision for me and I will follow His direction with it until it is completed.....I hope that other things will not try to sway my heart from this...and trust that He will give me the blinders to stay on course with it.
It is only by trust that such a strong marriage can take place. With a clear vision and direction from the creator, we are able to "finish" the job of raising our children up, trusting in Him to guide our steps, words and actions.
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