
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Leading Citizens....(even if it's just your own family in building of their faith)
"Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens"

My husband isn't a "leading citizen" as in political circles, he has however placed himself in positions of some influence in our community. He is on the parish council and strives to put forth strong Christian values into his decisions and discussions with others in the professional circles in which he participates.  A leader doesn't have to be out in the public eye and I feel is better when not as noticed for his/her face, but for the effectiveness of their influence. When you think of it...Jesus wasn't as visually recognized by the public as his teachings....people from far away "heard of him" and followed...more than those who "recognized" his face!!  Now, just to be clear, I didn't marry my husband because he was well known or a big leader in our community, but I recognized that his profession and his desire to make a difference in the lives of our community meant more, even if not well known.

As such, I have always tried to promote his ideas of being a part of a group/council/board of professionals that is working toward a goal of community improvement in any way.  Being on such boards has made him a better known person in our area and therefore, a more positive influence on others.  We've built stronger relations with local businesses because of the work he has been able to do with each of them...and increased our circle of influence in this manner.  As example....a local repair shop has been a great place for our vehicle repairs...over several years and vehicles, including my daughters.  Because of this relationship, the shop owner contacted my husband for his services and established a stronger bond of professional courtesy and we have reaped some benefits over time for the services rendered from both parties!  We have also referred others to this business for repairs on their vehicles and thus increased business for the shop owner and my family/husbands reputation in the business world as well!  Kindness and good ethics make for a great way to grow in business, leadership and strength in the community and in your faith.  Not sure where in the bible it is stated, but "faith without works is dead" and we always try to ensure we work with faith-filled people and local businesses in order to spread His Word to all we encounter!!

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