Good Morning Sunshine ( An earth shattering challenge awaits you!)
"Her children rise up and called her blessed her husband also and he praises her"
I don't know about you, but my kids don't "rise up" easily each morning. One moans and groans her way all through the process of breakfast and getting ready and the other one is a screamer about being "cold" and "I don't wanna go" and struggles to get even a few bites of breakfast in before the next step of dressing for school. It's not like they have much to choose from in way of clothing...they wear uniforms. And then there is the nightmare of too many people using too few bathrooms. Fortunately, by 7:30 or so they are out the door and the house is again the quiet sanctuary it never has been before!!! Even my oldest was never the morning person school required her to be. She just was "uncommunicative" until about 10 am or so. Now, if allowed to wake on their own, they are lovely children and then I just have to unglue them from the television or a computer game.
As for my husband...He's SO NOT a morning person!! At least he's quiet about his disgust for the am routine and realizes that it's a must in order to accomplish his task list for the day, but I let him get himself ready and not ask of him to do much with the girls as this slows him down thereby making everyone a bit later than warranted.
The praising me part? Both my girls LOVE hugs and LOVE TO GIVE those hugs to all and any who will accept them.. they are a testament to me because, although they are crabby and grouchy in the morning, their teachers really enjoy them in their classrooms, many family and friends report back to me that they are the sweetest little things...(I only wish this behavior was more prominent in our household) and can't see how they could be soooooo much the opposite! Spending a day in my shoes to view my kids would SO open their eyes!!! They also brag to their friends about me and I've had many a compliment via a conversation with other moms about what my girls said about me to others. That's my biggest blessing! I have never heard from anyone negative reflections about me from my husband and he is always telling me how grateful he is that he married me and that I'm doing such a wonderful job with the kids. How he would be TOTALLY lost without me if he had to deal with the kids on his own....(he would, too) and that I cannot die first as he wouldn't know any of the phone numbers he would need cause I have them all memorized in my head. (I have a funny memory that way)
Today...try to say at least 4 nice things about and to your husband and children....let me know the outcome cause I think the change could be earth shattering!!!
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