
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Well, here I am starting out on a HUGE journey with the Lord, following a vision He has given me.  It's to study the Proverbs 31 description of women.
The first few verses have a lot of meaning to them from my perspective and I would love any and all viewpoints others may have for this study.
The first verse, for me is really jammed packed with emotion as I haven't always felt like I was really worth the cost of A diamond let alone more than ALL diamonds. It says "her worth is far more than diamonds"
WOW...God sees me as His JEWEL!!! HIS Treasure, His Precious Creation!


  1. Cindy, you are His daughter. Don't you value your daughters more than diamonds? I know I do mine!

  2. Of course I do, Karen....but my point wasn't that I value my daughters more than diamods, but that God values each and everyone of us as more precious than diamonds and that we need to recognize that although many of us are working and being homemakers, that all our efforts to make our home a God-honoring home are recognized by not only our family, but by God as well!! We are all HIS PRICELESS JEWELS!!
