
Friday, May 25, 2012

Beauty and Charm
"Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.  The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the fear of God."

Wow!!  Beauty and Charm can mislead and all the time I spend trying to stay ahead of the wrinkles and looking my best won't do me much in the end.....That's because....if you think of comes from the inside...the makeup and other things only enhance the truly beautiful spirit that God gave us from the very beginning!  My husband always said he liked how I looked better without makeup than with and most the time, when I wear makeup, it's for myself...makes me feel a bit better and more confident, but those attributes aren't something that you can "put on".  I just "feel" a bit more "put together".  I'm no less of a person or less precious to God and my family because of what I put on my face.  And taking care of yourself, being healthy and fit, isn't  necessarily for the glances others give you, but it is to keep you in healthy condition for the things you do on a daily basis.
I have a great and dear friend who is a fitness instructor, a black belt in martial arts, a single mom, painter, artist and so much more.  The reason she chooses to be a fitness instructor is because it allows her body to keep moving in order to be able to do the physical things she loves.  Without it, her arthritis would be so severe that she wouldn't be able to do anything...Keeping in motion allows her to stay in motion.  She's absolutely gorgeous, sweet and kind, has a HUGE heart for God and two adorable and loving girls.  Never likes wearing makeup and says that whatever wrinkles, gray hair and other "aging" she's showing just show that's shes worth every one of them!! Now don't think I'm bashing all those glamour girls....heck, I sell Mary Kay!  But I want you to realize that the makeup and skinny figures and all the "girly glam" isn't what creates you into an admired person, it's what comes from your heart, the love of God that bursts forth from you that others will seek out and admire of you.

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