
Thursday, May 31, 2012

"She doesn't worry about her family when it snows, their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear."

That good "ole moto of both Girl and Boy Scouts!!  BE PREPARED.  As I read through a book that is suppose to help me become more organized and help me to keep the house clean enough that it looks like it cleans itself?!, I am slowly minimal-izing all the stuff I've collected and the kids have outgrown.  Getting into the habits of seasonal changes such as Spring Cleaning and Winterizing the house, home and family...such a arduous task.  But well worth the efforts when all is said and done.  As I implement the ideas that this book brings out, I am amazed at how often these ideas reflect the Proverbs 31 woman!.  There are places in this "cleaning itself house" for give away items, cleaning stations for quick pickups, every area has its deep cleaning tools handy, so many "prepared for anything" stops along the way that blend into the overall view of the house. And once implemented this is going to make my overall housecleaning faster, easier and better cleaned all the time!  Still working on finishing the book as of yet, but I do intend over the summer to put this into action and train up my girls in the same method as I believe it will be best for us all around!.  I know that this concept of a virtuous woman is truly what I want to reflect to my family, friends and be a blessing to all I come across, but mostly, I want to reflect my gratitude, praise and worship toward my God who loves me beyond all comparison and has provided me this example and those family and  friends who I can hold up as strong examples which I can emulate in my life.

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