Ok girls and whomever is actually following this....
Today I start the Huge Undertaking of moving a household of 13yrs accumulation of stuff into an apartment. Daunting to say the least for one person to undertake, but do-able. How you might ask? Well...it starts with knowing your limitations. You see. Do what you can in the time given is a motto that is for any and all housekeepers and applies to many different areas of life. Especially the Proverbs woman. She did all she knew how to the best of her abilities. And that is what is being implemented here. I "used" my workers...my girls...to assist in accomplishing a small task on the day off of school. They (and I with them) sorted out their clothes in order to pack and get them ready to either give away or move to new place. Didn't take much more than half an hour, but they were engaged and the task done. Now...the daunting part...going through my own clothes closet and my husbands!!! Know your limits!! Understand your time frames and do what can be done with in them...Overdoing only overwhelms and then it doesn't get done on time or well.
Have a great and blessed day to all of you!!
Sorry to hear this, but glad you are tackling it bit by bit.