
Monday, March 4, 2013

Ok girls and whomever is actually following this....
Today I start the Huge Undertaking of moving a household of 13yrs accumulation of stuff into an apartment. Daunting to say the least for one person to undertake, but do-able.  How you might ask? starts with knowing your limitations.  You see.  Do what you can in the time given is a motto that is for any and all housekeepers and applies to many different areas of life.  Especially the Proverbs woman.  She did all she knew how to the best of her abilities.  And that is what is being implemented here.  I "used" my assist in accomplishing a small task on the day off of school.  They (and I with them) sorted out their clothes in order to pack and get them ready to either give away or move to new place.  Didn't take much more than half an hour, but they were engaged and the task done.  Now...the daunting part...going through my own clothes closet and my husbands!!!  Know your limits!!  Understand your time frames and do what can be done with in them...Overdoing only overwhelms and then it doesn't get done on time or well.
Have a great and blessed day to all of you!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Who are YOU in Christ?
Sorry it's been a while since I last posted...many great things have been happening and opening up, so I am now back to share a little of what is going on.  

I've started a new trail in this journey and it's enhancing what I've begun in Proverbs and filled in a few gaps as I walk in the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 and read on till chapter 7.  Here's a bit of what I've been discovering...

Today's reading took me into Chapters 5and 6 where (in The Massage)God tells me to "Grow up and live in the God-created identity He gave me!  He wants me to live in God-reality, with God-initiative and under His God-provision.  WOW!!!  I KNOW that the woman of Proverbs knew this!  She HAD to in order to really be all that's described of her. And these verses were written far after her time on earth.  Her time (because Proverbs is in the Old Testament) was before Christ was a reality in the world and only a hope of the Jewish people.  I am also reminded that this passage in Proverbs isn't just about women alone, but the whole of his believers.  That these traits are for all of us as His bride.  So what is YOUR God-identity?  Sit and meditate a bit on listening to God and hearing from Him about who He wants you to be and what His reality is for you, what provisions He has waiting for you to accept. What are the tasks He  has for you and are you ready to dive into and initiate your God -reality?  In all of's about giving to Him for who HE is, not just taking care of your earthly family, but praising God as you do the tasks He has given to you.  It's also about lifting up the Kingdom of God for non-believers to see and turn to when they are in need and searching for their God-identity.  Here are the verses that I've based this input upon...
(from The Message)
"In a word, what I'm saying is Grow Up.  You're kingdom subjects, Now, live like it.  Live out your God-created identity.  Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you."
Matthew Ch. 5 verse 48

"What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving.  People who don't know Gd and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.  Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provcisions.  Don't worry about missing out.  You'll find all your everyday, human concerns will be met."
chapter 6 verse 30-33

Friday, June 15, 2012

Do you enjoy who you are?

As I read through this passage again, I get the sense that this woman is really happy with who and what she is.  I get the picture that she enjoys every aspect of her whole day...even if something is a bit of an obstacle for a short time, she is happy to use her negotiating skills to work it out and go forward.  Have you ever had one day like this?  I have had a rare few....and not recently.  I look forward to my girls being home over the summer because I have some "plans" for us to have a terrific summer and loads of growing closer and being stronger as a family.  I want to have many of these days that I think the Proverbs woman had regularly!
Do you have a skill or task that really just is so difficult or frustrating to you?  I youngest is still struggling with toileting and we seem to battle with each other several times a day.  So much so that we've seen medical professionals for suggestions on how to conquer this.  Overall, it's a mind over matter issue and when we butt get the picture.  I can't WAIT to get this solved!!!  Then I can begin to really enjoy the many things we like to do with out worry about any more accidents!!
Today I want to challenge you to ENJOY YOU and who you are!!!  If there is something that you are challenged with and have hit the limit of your frustration out help from others who have conquered it. Whether it's a parenting issue, a household issue, learning a new skill...whatever...just find a different source, seek out a professional's opinion or just set it aside so you can get a new or fresh perspective.  Always put your efforts toward praising Him and the rest will follow....Easier said than done, believe me I know that, but when I do this....everything else follows so much more smoothly.  Let me know the results of your day...tell me what made your day so special and please..ENJOY YOU TODAY!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What kind of Diamond are You?

Lost and Found....what have you found while reading this description of the Bride of Christ?

"A good woman is hard to find"

How do we know if we are a "good" woman....Difficult to determine from within and not have a big ego about yourself, but I think with a few points for direction you can decide where you fall on the overall scale of good or not good. Obviously, your friends and family with help with this determination, but how do you?
Do you have a strong relationship with our Lord?  Have you consistently put time into this relationship and built it BEFORE and DURING your marriage WITH your husband and family.  Going over the many points of Proverbs 31, have you worked these into your life?  It's not hard to see why we think we have to be "super women" but do you also see that when you build your relationship with the Lord and continue to grow in your faith that these attributes are natural outcomes?  You will BECOME the DIAMOND of UNTOLD WORTH!  As I started this journey, I looked up what it takes to make a diamond....and three factors are key in the building of diamonds.  Pressure, time and heat.  And an enormous amount of each of these is necessary for a diamond to burst forth from the depths of the earth and rise to the surface as the untouched beauty we now use as a symbol of unending love and value. Diamonds come in all kinds of colors and shapes...we humans have placed dollar values on the different colors, sizes and cuts in order to grasp in our human minds just what something of unimaginable beauty could worth. It takes a lot of work and dedication to be a "good woman" and I know that we all want that for ourselves and our families.  This work is worth "far more than diamonds" to our Lord when we dedicate our efforts to it and to Him. His eyes  you are already diamonds!!  You are already PRICELESS...BEYOND THE WORTH OF DIAMONDS!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Challenging words...let me know what you find out about your neighbor!
There is always someone worse off than you

" She's quick to assist anyone in need, reaches out to help the poor."

How many times have you had phone calls asking for money for any number of causes and you just hung up?..I admit...I do it all too often and I know that the person on the other line is just "doing their job".  I try harder now to be nice when I say..."I'm sorry ,we just can't swing an extra dollar your way this time."  But money isn't the only way we can help out the needy.  Thank God, cause otherwise no one would be getting much assistance from me!  When faced with helping others, sometimes you have to do some harsh reality discussions before progress is made.  Other times, it's simple a cup of coffee and a tearful unloading to listen to in order to help someone onto the best path. Most times, it's a way out of my feeling sorry for myself!!  I can always make an afghan as a present for someone, or cook a meal, watch their kids or help in researching something on the net.  Maybe assist in making out a resume for job hunting.  And being "money poor" isn't the only definition of poor.  There are those who are poor in spirit and poor in health that can need your assistance..and sometimes we are rewarded by this in soooo many other ways than money!!  These are the events that also help to shape your children's sense of gratitude, charity and "love thy neighbor". Children learn much more from our examples than they do from anything we say.....not to say we should be mute when teaching our kids right from wrong...but they are far more perceptive to our actions and that they match what we speak than we give them credit for.  Your challenge today is to find some way to help another through a difficulty or provide the answer to a need...and see just how far your spirits get lifted!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a great day for a Parade!!

What exactly do I DESERVE?
"Give her everything she deserves!!  Festoon her life with praises!"

Well, for starters...probably a good kick in the butt for each time I "break out" of the Proverbs 31 mold.  I'm not always pleasant and kind....I don't always keep my cool when my kids misbehave...especially in the mornings when I"m not fully awake before having my 1st cup of coffee.  So I deserve.....not grace or mercy, but that's what I'm given by our loving Father each and every day!!!  Again...I think in this verse God is talking in his "church as his bride" attitude.  I believe that we as his church, his bride, are given all we deserve and much we don't because God really does LOVE US and wants to truly lavish us with our hearts desires!  And as believers our hearts desire is to please our Father in Heaven!  To follow the plans He has for us and to spread His Word among the nations so that ALL may be included in the family of Christ!!

When I think of "Festooning" someone I am reminded of parades for dignitaries.  Where the confetti just blurs the picture of the one being honored and adored.  God wants us to honor and festoon Him with our praises and to treat each other with the grace and mercy He bestows on us each day!  WOW!  I don't think I would want to follow that parade and clean up the mountains of confetti and streamers that would create!!  But in Heaven, there won't be a mess..I'm convinced I won't need my expert cleaning skills there...THANK YOU!  Make a parade for each of your family members today....Festoon them with praises and give them all they deserve!  Life is going to be such a fun party when we all start in on that stage of Worship and Praise to our Father in Heaven!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

SMILE...You're on God Camera...
And HE LOVES to watch over you!!!!

"Her clothes are well-made and elegant, and she always faces tomorrow with a smile."

Most days, I don't think ANYONE would describe me as elegant....even on a Sunday morning.  I am a person who really doesn't go in for all the latest fashions and you will NEVER see me in high heels.  So how will I obtain "elegance"?  Most days I am in a t-shirt and jeans or shorts.  I on and off will have some makeup on...depending on what I'm up to that day or the degree of heat and humidity and the number of hotflashes I've suffered through while getting ready to face the public.  I don't "perspire" I SWEAT" so watching my makeup slide down my face wouldn't be a pretty sight.  I am thankful for clear skin and good clean sing products from Mary Kay.  Also that I tan well, so as to hide some of those not so nice flaws.  I can't grow my hair to fit the latest couiffer, so I keep it short and very simple.  If it weren't for my curves (more generous than I'd like) you'd think I was of the male persuasion!

I do, however choose to open the door for others if I see that we may crash and I choose to teach my children manners (even though it doesn't always show).  I try to remember to thank people for their gifts and generosity or help when being given. I speak my mind...fairly bluntly most days, but I try to be tactful. I truly love to listen to folks as they recount a past event in their family or local history. (I LOVE to do family tree research).  I even try to make sure I do my best in what ever project or task I'm working on because, of course, it's all being done, said or praised up to God!  I gave my all in all I do...or I at least try...and think that this is the elegance God would prefer to have.  Something done in all sincerity and love for Him than a swank new dress and heels with the latest updo and fashion accessories.  Now, I think I might need to figure out that "high tea" ritual!!

Facing each new day with a smile....EASY...HIS mercies and grace are NEW EVERY MORNING!!!!  I'M ALWAYS forgiven and given mercy for the many little slip ups and mistakes I've made along the course of each day.  And my husband...he does so much worrying that I don't have to think about it most days.  I've had a peace about many situations because I know God has us covered.  May not be exactly what I was thinking of as a solution, but He's never let me or my family down, so..why start worrying now?!!  I don't deserve many of the things, relationships or grace and mercy I have received...none of us do, but we have EACH AND EVERY there is NO EXCUSE not to smile at each new day!!